Summertime at Strive

Summer at Strive calls for sun and exploration! It is hard to believe how quickly the 2017-18 school-year has come to an end. We are happy to share news of progress toward reaching our capital/construction goals! We'd like to thank our community and families for their support during this time of growth and expansion, we are beyond grateful!
Before the year's end, Strive held a Spring Showcase Luncheon in which we invited friends, family, and donors of Strive to join us in the unveiling of our expansion plans. We enjoyed an afternoon of tasty food provided by EveryTable and magical entertainment by our friend, Siegfried Tieber. To celebrate all of the hard work and progress our students made this year, we celebrated with our year-end "Friday Finale". Friday Finale is a special month-end event in which those students who worked hard in class and maintained good attendance are invited for a day of play and community with one another. Our kids enjoyed a day of food and fun activities under the sun in our classrooms and courtyard. One lucky student won a free Wii-U donated to Strive by our instructor, Mr. Casey!

Strive is in full swing of all things summer, recently returning from our 15th annual trip to Bass Lake and Yosemite. This year's trip was truly magical, we are blessed to be able to offer this experience to our kids. You can learn more about our yearly excursion here. Now in the midst of our summer session, we aim to offer our students an interactive, literacy intensive learning experience unlike any other. Each week's "disguised learning" lessons focus on different themes such as technology, cultures, the arts, the environment and historical figures. We incorporate field trips as a way to get kids active and learning outside of the classroom. Our special trip each summer session is to Jana's Beach Party in Alamitos Bay, generously hosted by our board member, Jana Merical. It is a joy to see children enjoying the ocean water, many for the first time, discovering life and adventure through sand castles and water sports. Thank you Jana, for making this special day possible for our kids! 

With a new academic year on the horizon, we are keeping the positive momentum going as there is much to look forward to with program and facility expansion. We hope to begin building Summer 2019. 

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